Daniel Tigers Neighborhood Daniels First Sleepover BOOK reading | bedtime story

2018-01-14 2

Welcome to Playtime Toy Unboxing today! We are so happy to have you here again. Today we are reading a Daniel Tigers Neighborhood book titled Daniels First Sleepover You should watch this video just to hear me sing the Daniel Tiger Theme Song. Its all worth it from there. We are proud to add this book to our collection of reading out loud for kids, an entire playlist dedicated to reading books, bedtime stories, and fairytales for kids. Lets take a look at what Daniel Tiger has in store for us today. It looks like it is Daniel Tigers very first sleepover at Prince Wednesdays Castle! What will he do? What will he wear?\r
Daniel Tigers Neighborhood is an American-Canadian animated childrens televisionproduced by The Fred Rogers Company, 9 Story Media Group and Out of the Blue Enterprises. Thecenters around Daniel Tiger, the son of the original Daniel Striped Tiger on Mister Rogers Neighborhood. Thealso features other children of the charers from the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, such as Katerina Kittycat (daughter of Henrietta Pussycat), Miss Elaina (daughter of Lady Elaine Fairchild and Music Man Stan), O the Owl (nephew of X the Owl), and Prince Wednesday (King Friday and Queen Sara Saturdays youngest son and Prince Tuesdays little brother). \r
BOOK CREDITS: Written by: Becky Friedman poses and layouts: Jason Fruchter, Published by: SIMON SPOTLIGHT\r
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